SilentNotary e Notarize Case 

Forbes  Autentique o CEO Pat Kinsel em frente à Massachusetts State House. Kinsel e Notarize ajudaram ... [+]AARON KOTOWSKI FOR FORBES

Pat Kinsel, 36, iniciou o Notarize depois de vender sua empresa anterior, a empresa de coleta de dados móveis Spindle, para o Twitter em 2013 e perceber que o tabelião não havia assinado seus documentos. Sem a assinatura, os documentos ficavam inválidos, apesar de carimbados, uma grande dor de cabeça para Kinsel.

Dois anos depois, ele fundou a Notarize para mover o incômodo de notarização online. Com o serviço on-line da Notarize, incluindo ferramentas de verificação de identificação proprietárias, os clientes podem pular a ida a um cartório e se conectar com um profissional por meio de bate-papo por vídeo.

Para iniciar o negócio, ele teve que convencer os reguladores estaduais e locais de que a autenticação on-line usando câmeras poderia ser tão segura quanto a realizada pessoalmente. Sua arma secreta: o cofundador Adam Pase, que já havia trabalhado como consultor de políticas para o deputado Dennis Moore (Dem.-Kansas) e passou sete anos depois disso fazendo lobby em nome de empresários. No final das contas, a dupla ajudou a aprovar uma legislação que permitia cartórios virtuais em 38 estados: “Tenho as cicatrizes e os recibos”, diz Kinsel.

Para Kinsel, uma das piores cicatrizes veio do litígio com seu irmão, John Nelligan, que processou em dezembro de 2016, por meio de uma entidade com sede em Oklahoma chamada Corsa, alegando que Notarize havia se aproveitado da reputação de Corsa na comunidade empresarial de Oklahoma. O processo, que acabou sendo arquivado, arruinou o relacionamento dos irmãos. (Nelligan não respondeu aos pedidos de comentário.)

Então, em 2018, uma grande empresa imobiliária (que Kinsel não quis revelar) desistiu de seu investimento planejado na arrecadação de fundos da Série B da Notarize, deixando a empresa com pouco dinheiro. Kinsel emprestou US$ 1 milhão à empresa com sede em Boston e, desmoralizado, demitiu 30% da equipe em janeiro. “Foi um esforço interminável arrecadar dinheiro, aprovar legislação, conquistar clientes, manter a equipe motivada apesar dos nossos constantes desafios de financiamento e consertar o negócio”, diz ele.

Mas nos últimos dois anos, as coisas mudaram. À medida que o país entrava em confinamento com a propagação do Covid-19 na primavera de 2020, as taxas de hipotecas caíram e as vendas de casas aumentaram, impulsionando as operações de hipotecas da Notarize. Naquela primavera, Notarize trouxe 1.000 novos notários.

A receita atingiu cerca de US $ 25 milhões em 2020, seis vezes mais que no ano anterior. Notarize agora tem 2.200 clientes corporativos, incluindo a agência de títulos First American e o mercado imobiliário Zillow, bem como muitas pessoas físicas, que pagam US$ 25 cada para ter seus documentos assinados e selados online.

Esse crescimento ajudou a Notarize a triplicar sua avaliação em sua última rodada de financiamento, de US$ 130 milhões liderada pela empresa de capital fintech Canapi Ventures em março, para US$ 760 milhões. Também ajudou a Notarize a fazer o corte para o Forbes Next Billion-Dollar Startups, uma das 25 empresas que pensamos com maior probabilidade de se tornar unicórnios. “Quero construir uma empresa de tecnologia transformacional que resista ao teste do tempo”, diz Kinsel.

The development of technology has led to a revolutionary solution to the problem of recording legal events without the involvement of any trusted person. This allows us to create a service that is independent of any certifying organizations, data repositories, and even from the company itself that provides this service. The use of basic widely accepted standards allows the use of this technology throughout the world, without the need for special legislative regulation.

Unpleasant events happen in everyone's life, and often, the consequences could have been avoided if there had been proper evidence available. Around 7 billion of the world's population now own a smartphone, meaning a lot of issues can be logged via the help of a camera. Most people think when they take a picture or video of an event, it can be used as evidence in court. This isn't always the case. File metadata is quite easily changed, meaning your data could be challenged in court. This has always been the case until now. Silent Notary can do the hard work for you by making your evidence accepted in any court case you are involved in. Use our app as an additional protection layer of your rights. Think of it as an independent witness who is always with you in your pocket. You will have protection against falsification and any wrongdoing by having a notarized reliable witness on your phone. The presence of this reliable evidence in the majority of legal events usually means court visits are dramatically reduced! w <>;

SilentNotary is a multi-platform decentralized service recorded in digital format, providing the ability to confirm the existence of certain ‘ events.’ An ‘ event’ can be defined as an image, a video file, an E-mail, and/or instant messaging communications. SilentNotary converts an ‘ event’ into a legally significant piece of evidence, and as a result, removes any possibility of falsification.

1) Introduction Just a few years ago, a solution was found to building a technologically fortified and definitive layer of trust - distributed ledger technology. The first transaction written on the ledger was of financial nature, and it provided each transacting party with the simultaneous access, validation and updating of records. With this, Bitcoin was born. Today, we live in a world full of distrust, and in certain cases of misfortuneand mishap, we must prove that certain facts are both verifiable and accurate. To do this, we must utilize distributed ledger technology. This technology provides everyone with the ability to record an ‘ event’ - i.e. an image, a video file, an E-mail, and/or instant messaging communications - with the main purpose of creating a proven and definitive layer of trust. This is where SilentNotary ’ s pioneering and revolutionary platform comes into the picture. First, certain data metrics surrounding events that have occurred are recorded. There will no longer be a need to ‘ prove ’ one ’ s case, as the distributed ledger records information itself and solves the problems surrounding falsification, fraud, and fabrication. Suddenly, we have discovered a way to make the world a better and saferplace with a global system utilized for confirming the existence of certain events! Distributed ledger technology is very complex and sophisticated bridges are needed between the user and technology. These bridges represent user interfaces, which allow users to transfer data about events recorded in any form - photos, videos, messages, audio recordings and/or documents. The progressive and forward-thinking team at SilentNotary has developed a way to make these interfaces available for everyone ' s use

2) Our Product SilentNotary is a multi-platform decentralized service that utilizes blockchain technology to ensure the existence, integrity and attribution of communications, processes and data that are important to both individuals and businesses. SilentNotary provides anyone with the ability to certify and authenticate any kind of data without relying on third parties. The following are examples of user interfaces that the SilentNotary team has already developed to aid in the quest of event confirmation: 1. Chatbots for Telegram have been developed to record information. This is currently available in production and beta-versions. Chatbots can be installed on almost all smart phones. This convenient interface method provides SilentNotary with the ability to send files and communicate with it' s users in real-time. 2. Web interface has already developed and is available in a beta-version. 3. The Mobile Application for Android and iOS devices has been developed and is now available in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. 4. 'Mail-bot' feature has been developed and is available in production version. Our 'Mail-bot' is used to certify E-mails, documents, and written communications with any number of counter agents. 5. API for IoT solutions, integration with applications and corporate systems.

3) Global Solution In order for us to promote our product in the global market, we have to understand varying e-commerce business models and who our end customers are: 1. B2C (Business to Consumer): The simplest interface, understandable to the common user and can be integrated with social networks. 2. B2B (Business to Business): License schemes, corporate accounts (available in beta version), access delimitation, and API for integration with corporate document management systems available. SilentNotary is Targeting to Disrupt Several Billion & Trillion Dollar Industries:  

4) Use Cases  a) 1 Performed work and rendered services SilentNotary makes it easy to create records of progress made and final results of performed work and rendered services. Just launch your favorite messenger and send images and/or video files of the progress made and final results to the SilentNotary chatbot. You can share the received link with a colleague, employer, and/or client. In doing so, you will be able to prove - at any given moment in time - that certain work was completed. If certain work was not finished within the agreed timescale, or if there were deficiencies detected, the employer and/or client can provide evidence in the form of images and/or videos. SilentNotary grants the ability to certify and prove the quality and timescale of specific work and/or services performed. b) 2. Communication via E-mail SilentNotary allows for Emails of critical importance to be saved and certified by simply adding the SilentNotary address into the list of recipients. The system certifies the Email’ s contents and data from the mailing servers (RFC-title of the letter). This means that the list of recipients, the fact of dispatch, delivery, and email routing will be recorded. c 3. Offers made in a digital format Any company that sells something on the Internet is essentially making a public offer to its buyers /clientele. Simply put, text of the offer is published on the website. This text may be changed at any time. There are many cases that require confirmation of the offer, and evidence of it’ s publishing on a website. Both the seller and the buyer may need it. you can now use the SilentNotary website to certify the documents and the location of where it was published. Just send a link to the page and order a certification of the page ' s content .... d 4 e 5. Agreements You can now record any negotiation and decision taken. Just conduct negotiations through the multi-chat feature in our chat-bot. The chat-bot will prepare and certify the conversation protocol on your command.  6, 7 8 8. Verbal agreements In today ’ s world, it is very hard to prove a verbal agreement in court. There is now an easy solution for this. Just launch the SilentNotary chat-bot and record your conversation. By doing so, the audio file will be recorded and verbal agreements will be certified..   Tradução   4) Casos de uso a) 1 Trabalhos executados e serviços prestados O SilentNotary facilita a Criação de Registros de andamento e Resultados Finais de Trabalhos Executados e serviços prestados. Basta iniciar o seu messenger favorito e enviar imagens e/ou arquivos de vídeo do progresso feito e resultados finais para o chatbot SilentNotary. Você pode compartilhar o link recebido com um colega, empregador e/ou cliente. Ao fazer isso, você poderá provar - a qualquer momento - que determinado trabalho foi concluído. Se determinado trabalho não foi concluído no prazo acordado, ou se foram detectadas deficiências, o empregador e/ou cliente pode fornecer evidências na forma de imagens e/ou vídeos. O SilentNotary concede a capacidade de certificar e comprovar a qualidade e o prazo de trabalhos e/ou serviços específicos executados. b) 2. Comunicação via E-mail O SilentNotary permite que os e-mails de importância crítica sejam salvos e certificados simplesmente adicionando o endereço do SilentNotary à lista de destinatários. O sistema certifica o conteúdo e os dados do e-mail dos servidores de correspondência (RFC-título da carta). Isso significa que a lista de destinatários, o fato de envio, entrega e roteamento de e-mail serão registrados. c 3. Ofertas em formato digital Qualquer empresa que venda algo na Internet está essencialmente a fazer uma oferta pública aos seus compradores/clientes. Simplificando, o texto da oferta é publicado no site. Este texto pode ser alterado a qualquer momento. Existem muitos casos que exigem a confirmação da oferta e a comprovação de sua publicação em um site. Tanto o vendedor quanto o comprador podem precisar. agora você pode usar o site SilentNotary para certificar os documentos e o local de onde foi publicado. Basta enviar um link para a página e solicitar uma certificação do conteúdo da página.... d 4 e 5. Acordos Agora você pode registrar qualquer negociação e decisão tomada. Basta conduzir as negociações por meio do recurso de bate-papo múltiplo em nosso chat-bot. O chat-bot preparará e certificará o protocolo de conversação ao seu comando. 6, 7 8 8. Acordos verbais No mundo de hoje, é muito difícil provar um acordo verbal em tribunal. Agora existe uma solução fácil para isso. Basta iniciar o chat-bot SilentNotary e gravar sua conversa. Ao fazer isso, o arquivo de áudio será gravado e os acordos verbais serão certificados.

5) User Interfaces 

6) Lightstamp Technology 

7) Secure Mode 

8) Technical Description 

9) Multi-Platform Concept 

10) System Developments 

Legal Structure The project consists of 3 different parts (providing varying functions): 1. Classic IT-holding – Providing services to end users.Develops software, provides certification services, receives revenue in fiat currencies,and acquires SilentNotary tokens for smart contract usethrough a cryptocurrencyagent. Jurisdiction of the holding company is in Cyprus using the local IP-box regime. Some subsidiaries have already been established - and some are planned in thefuture - to work in specific markets: a. EEA (European Economic Area) – we plan to use our holding Cyprus company as a service provider on the EEA market. b. NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) region – USA based service provider; c. Asia-Pacific region – Singapore or Hong Kong based service provider; d. UNASUR – local service provider; e. Middle East – UAE based local service provider; f. CIS region – Russia based local service provider (already created for test sales) – SilentNotary Ltd., REG #1165030052307, 2. Crypto-agent – SPV – a specialized company established for operating with cryptocurrency assets. The goal is to organize token sales and token circulation. Due to the uncertain legal status of cryptocurrency assets, these transactions are separated from the core business, and instead, placed in a neutral jurisdiction. Company already created: SigAny limited #1 Mapp street, Belize, REG #164,617. 3. Non-commercial organization – SilentNotary Foundation, based in the EU.

12) UBSN Tokens 

13) Smart Contract 

14) The Future of SilentNotary 

15) Conclusion